This Earth Day, two things are clear—manmade climate change is very real, and the GOP presidential hopefuls are in denial about it.
Here’s where the 2016ers stand on climate change science:
- Jeb Bush said he is a climate change “skeptic” – and during and after his governorship, he’s dodged questionsabout the effects of climate change on Florida.
- Marco Rubio has disagreed with scientists over climate change and stated that scientists’ conclusions on climate change were just their “opinion.”
- Chris Christie has also been a climate change skeptic – he’s stated there hasn’t been any proof that Hurricane Sandy was caused by climate change. He’s also enacted policies in step with climate change denial, including the closure of the Office of Climate Change, and even pulled New Jersey out of a program that addressed carbon emissions.
- Ted Cruz has denied climate science and said there has been no climate change in the last 17 years, stating that “satellite data shows that there’s been no warming whatsoever.”
- Rand Paul said “fanatics” were advocating for action on climate change and voted against a resolution that stated humans “significantly contribute” to climate change.
DPG Chairman DuBose Porter issued the following statement –
“Earth Day is an opportunity for us to look around and appreciate the natural beauty we’ve been blessed with. This day should remind us to do everything possible to protect our state’s precious natural resources.
“Unfortunately, climate change really does present an imminent threat to our planet. Yet, most Republicans would rather bury their heads in the sand than acknowledge facts. Ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree that warming trends are likely manmade—these are the experts on the subject. But Republicans would rather maintain denial on the matter that, in my opinion, is only motivated by political expediency.
“President Obama said it best—‘We only get one planet.’ Well, we only get one Georgia. We can choose to protect our marshlands in the south, the mountains in the north, and the rivers and streams that join them throughout our state. We can also seek new ways to develop sustainable energy. Or we can continue with the GOP plan to poison and pollute our precious land and people without any regulation just for short-term profit’s sake.
“For Earth’s sake, let’s choose the path that protects the land we’ve been entrusted with.”