After Stock Trading During Coronavirus Outbreak Market Downturn, Perdue and Loeffler Now Appointed to Trump’s “Economic Revitalization” Task Force

April 17, 2020

Trump’s appointment of the two Georgia senators comes after each refuses to answer questions about their stock trades while praising the administration’s botched coronavirus response

ATLANTA — The Trump administration rewarded Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler for their praise of his administration after their stock trades during the coronavirus outbreak and appointed them to his Congressional Economic Task Force to revitalize the economy. 

So what is Perdue and Loeffler’s plan for economic recovery? They voted to limit unemployment insurance provisions in the CARES Act as Georgia jobless numbers soar  and tried to push through a $500 billion slush fund for corporations. 

Rather than pushing Trump to reopen the health care exchanges as millions are out of work and in need of options for coverage, or send desperately needed supplies to Georgia, Perdue and Loeffler have spent this crisis trying to score political points with the White House even after the Trump administration “wasted months” to prepare for the outbreak. Now, both Perdue and Loeffler are being rewarded for playing politics instead of focusing on helping Georgians.

“After their stock trading scandals and voting to limit unemployment relief while supporting a $500 billion corporate slush fund, Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler are the last people who should oversee the White House’s so-called ‘economic revitalization,’” said Alex Floyd, spokesman for the Democratic Party of Georgia. “This is nothing more than a reward for Perdue and Loeffler’s unwavering praise of Trump even as his botched pandemic response has jeopardized Georgian lives and actually threatens to undermine our ability to re-open the economy safely. Georgia’s Republican senators should focus on getting Georgia families the relief they need now instead of currying favor with the administration.”


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