Petition to support Obama averages a new signature every minute
Georgia –, the Democratic Party of Georgia’s petition to show support for President Obama, has been a huge success in its first 24 hours. Since the petition was released yesterday afternoon, over 1,500 Democratic voters have committed to win Georgia for the President
The petition is being distributed via email, Facebook, Twitter and other social networking avenues. “We’ve had over a hundred folks share the petition online,” said Mike Berlon, Chairman of the Democratic Party of Georgia. “We can see the excitement build in real-time as people share it with their personal networks.”
In addition to identifying new Democratic voters, also encourages donations and cultivates volunteers for various tasks through Election Day. “The main purpose of the site isn’t to raise money,” said Berlon, “but it’s an added side-benefit.”
The petition is a key part of the state party’s “5% Strategy”, a mission to increase Democratic performance across Georgia. By increasing Democratic turnout by 5%, Georgia Democrats can win dozens of additional races in each election cycle.