Help Move Georgia Forward
ATLANTA – Today, the Democratic Party of Georgia responded to continued Republican attacks on Medicaid expansion. The latest attack on Medicaid expansion – a move that would insure almost 500,000 Georgians – was issued in a press release from Republican Lt. Governor candidate Geoff Duncan.
“We are shocked that Brian Kemp and his allies continue to oppose Medicaid expansion, which would provide coverage to almost 500,000 Georgians and save rural hospitals from closure,” said Democratic Party of Georgia Chair DuBose Porter. “Medicaid expansion simply pays health providers for the work they do, and these reimbursements will save rural hospitals. It’s not just good for the health of Georgians; it would create jobs and boost Georgia’s economy. Brian Kemp would rather push a reckless economic and health care agenda. Stacey Abrams, Sarah Riggs Amico, and Democrats across Georgia will not back down until Medicaid is expanded in our state.”
The fact that Brian Kemp’s allies are using the issue of Medicaid expansion to attack Stacey Abrams and Sarah Riggs Amico is particularly shocking since 3 in 4 Georgians support the expansion of Medicaid. Keeping Georgians’ tax dollars in Georgia would also create 56,000 Georgia jobs.
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