Register to Vote in Person

(En Español)

You can register in person at your County Registrar Office or when you apply or renew your Georgia driver’s license:

  • Find your county registrar office online or by calling the voter assistance hotline at 888-730-5816.
  • Go to the office and tell them you want to register to vote. They will lead you through what you need to do.
  • You can also register to vote when you renew your driver’s license or change information on your license by going into the driver’s license bureau. There is a place on the form that will ask you if you want to register to vote. Check the box to register or update your registration!
  • Check online in a couple of weeks to make sure the submission worked. To do that follow the instructions to check my registration or call us at the Voter Protection Hotline.

Need assistance?
Call anytime.

Georgia Voter Protection Line

Call or Text 1-888-730-5816

Democratic Party of Georgia

Help us elect Democrats in Georgia.