“Voter Adoption” Website Encourages New Voter Registration

September 18, 2012

Georgia – This afternoon, Georgia Democrats unveiled their latest campaign to encourage new voter registration at VoterAdoption.org.

“A study in 2010 suggested that Georgia was 49out of 50 states in voter registration,” said Mike Berlon, Chairman of the Democratic Party of Georgia. “We immediately set forth an ambitious plan to correct this problem, and we’ve registered or re-engaged over 100,000 voters since then.”

The Voter Adoption website is a continuation of this plan. “The Democratic Party of Georgia spends plenty of resources on voter registration, and VoterAdoption.org is a way to get other Georgians involved,” said Berlon.

Berlon estimates that voter registration costs the state party about $1 per new voter, and the website allows people to donate money toward this cause. A $10 donation results in 10 newly registered voters, for example.

The initiative works in conjunction with BlueforBarack.com, a website unveiled last week to identify likely Obama voters in the state.

“These new tools are just a few of the social media strategies being used to take back our state,” concluded Berlon. “When this state returns to Democratic control, it’ll be because of the foundation and principles that we are implementing this election cycle in Georgia.”

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