Vernon Jones’ Departure from Governor’s Race Highlights Trump’s Influence on Chaotic GOP Primary

February 7, 2022

Jones’ Decision Intensifies “Brutal” and “Bitter GOP Fight

Today, Vernon Jones dropped out of the nasty GOP gubernatorial primary race in favor of a congressional run and simultaneously endorsed David Perdue over Brian Kemp, days after Donald Trump offered Jones his support if he jumped into a new race. Jones’ switch and support for the Trump-backed Perdue illustrates the influence the former president holds in the nasty Republican primary, which grows more contentious by the day.

“In a divisive primary race already more focused on currying favor with Donald Trump than issues impacting Georgians, Vernon Jones’ decision to drop out at the behest of Donald Trump and support David Perdue will only amplify the chaos and lack of unity among the Georgia GOP. Jones’ decision sets the stage for a slugfest between Kemp and Perdue, all to the detriment of Georgia voters, who deserve to hear from candidates on issues like access to affordable healthcare, creating good-paying jobs, and strengthening public education,” stated Max Flugrath, a spokesman for the Georgia Democratic Party.


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