Help Move Georgia Forward
As the summer winds down, we see continuing attacks on our voting rights. Whether due to actions by the Justice Department, the Commission on Voting Integrity, our own Secretary of State, or our counties, we must remain vigilant to protect these rights. So, with this message we reach out to you to find out if you have been contacted in connection with the on-going purge of inactive voters or the moving of active voters to inactive status. We would appreciate it if you would fill out the form through the link below if you have been contacted for either of these purposes. In addition, if you have friends who have received communications of this type, please pass on this form to them so we can gather this information from as many sources as possible. This information is important for us to have as we monitor the Secretary of State.
If you received communication that you would be placed on the inactive list that means they need to hear from you or with the passage of enough time you will be taken off the voter role, i.e., you will be “purged.” You are still authorized to vote if you are on the inactive voter list. So long as you either vote in the next federal election or contact the superintendent of elections in your county you will be returned to active voter status. You should have received a form to complete. Please do that. If you do not still have the form, reach out to us through the link we have above and we will get you the appropriate information to contact your county superintendent of elections so you will be placed back into active status.
If you received a notification that you were removed from the voting list, you must re-register. Please use this link to register again or go into a Driver’s License Bureau or other location for voter registration. Unfortunately, once taken off the voting rolls this is the only effective way of being sure you are registered. If you re-register online you will be required to show photo identification for registration when you vote. If you register in person, be prepared with those materials. Photo identification requirements can be found here.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide. The efforts to suppress our vote are real. We must fight back.
Pinney Allen
Chair, Voter Protection Committee