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Perdue ultimately backed the tax law that gave away billions to the rich and powerful special interests while adding nearly $2 trillion to the national debt, threatening Social Security and Medicare
Atlanta — This Saturday marks the two-year anniversary since Washington Republicans introduced their deficit-exploding corporate tax giveaway for special interests and the top 1% — which Senator David Perdue proudly supported.
Perdue’s “deeply unpopular” corporate tax handout not only gave away $1 trillion to corporations, but also increased economic inequality, with 83% of its benefits eventually going to the richest 1% of Americans. And after running as a deficit hawk in 2014, the fact that the bill exploded the federal budget deficit, adding nearly $2 trillion to the national debt, did not stop Perdue from giving it his strong support.
And it gets worse: the tax plan also provided businesses with incentives for one of Perdue’s favorite activities: shipping jobs overseas. Perdue, who’s famously “proud” of his record outsourcing American jobs, had no problem letting big corporations get a tax break for something he “spent most of [his] career” doing.
When outsourcing companies and powerful special interests needed him most, Perdue was ready to vote for their tax breaks.
“Senator Perdue went to Washington to do what he’s done his whole life: fight for outsourcing companies and the rich and well-connected at the expense of working families,” said Alex Floyd, spokesman for the Democratic Party of Georgia. “It’s no surprise that he backed a corporate giveaway that blew a trillion-dollar hole in the deficit to give tax breaks to big corporations and the wealthiest 1%. Senator Perdue will always put his biggest donors and special interest friends first, not everyday Georgians.”