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Special interest-backed tax handout to the rich and well-connected was pushed through by Washington Republicans while adding nearly $2 trillion to the national debt and threatening Social Security and Medicare
ATLANTA — Two years ago today, Senator David Perdue proudly voted in favor of Washington Republicans’ deficit-exploding corporate tax giveaway for special interests and the top 1%. Perdue’s tax handout to the rich and well-connected may have done next to nothing to grow the economy — but it did help line the pockets of wealthy special interests.
Let’s remember what exactly was in Perdue’s “deeply unpopular” corporate tax handout:
Perdue’s tax handout even increased economic inequality, with 83% of its benefits eventually going to the richest 1%. But as bad as the bill was, Perdue wanted to make it even worse. Perdue wanted an even bigger tax handout to large corporations than the $1 trillion giveaway already included — but when asked if he would support delaying massive corporate tax breaks in order to provide greater relief to middle-class families, Perdue was clear: “Absolutely not.”
Now, after voting for a reckless tax giveaway that blew up the deficit to give special interests a tax handout, Perdue is back to pretending he cares about the national debt. His latest plan? He’s still trying to put earned benefit programs like Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block. Once again, Perdue puts his special interest backers and their tax breaks ahead of everyday Georgians and the vital programs they rely on.
“Senator Perdue’s support of this reckless tax handout to the wealthy and well-connected is just another example of how he’ll always put powerful special interests ahead of Georgia families,” said Alex Floyd, spokesman for the Democratic Party of Georgia. “Instead of fighting to give middle-class families greater tax relief or protect their hard-earned benefits, Senator Perdue consistently goes to bat for the wealthiest 1% and corporate special interests at the cost of everyday Georgians’ well-being.”