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Senator Perdue has turned down at least three local debate offers
ATLANTA — Today marks exactly two weeks since Senator David Perdue last spoke to members of Georgia’s press or took public questions from his constituents, after he was forced into a January runoff, upholding his notorious reputation for being an absent senator.
Recently, Perdue declined the Atlanta Press Club’s December debate with Jon Ossoff and instead “will be represented by an empty podium,” a stark reminder of Perdue’s failed leadership in getting the pandemic under control and getting Georgia on the path to recovery.
The Atlanta Press Club said they were “disappointed” with Perdue’s decision to duck accountability, building onto already intense statewide backlash from local press since Election Day for being notably absent during both his campaign and Senate term in Washington.
Despite turning down several attempts from Georgia’s local press to get in contact with him, Perdue found time to appear on Fox News, still failing to articulate why Georgia voters should re-elect him to a second term after six years of his failed leadership in Washington. Perdue also failed to mention the coronavirus pandemic or that Georgians’ health care, jobs and small businesses remain at risk because of his downplaying of the pandemic and refusal to deliver on additional economic relief.
As his campaign continued a downward spiral in the final weeks before Election Day, Perdue abruptly pulled out of the last debate after Ossoff hammered him for his harmful agenda to strip away critical protections for 1.8 million Georgians with pre-existing conditions. Then Perdue ran away from reporters in a desperate attempt to avoid answering tough questions about his dim reelection bid. The empty podium representing Perdue in December’s debate will serve as another reminder that Perdue hasn’t held a single public town hall in his entire six-year Senate term.
“Nearly a quarter of the time between Election Day to January’s runoff has now passed and Georgia voters still haven’t heard Senator Perdue’s plan for controlling this virus or why he’s running for reelection,” said Braxton Brewington, spokesman for the Democratic Party of Georgia. “Perdue is obviously hiding from the local press to duck accountability but Georgians can see his weak candidacy for what it is, that’s why they’ll be voting him out in January.”