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Latest Quinnipiac poll shows Perdue and Trump losing in Georgia
Axios’ Trump Loyalty Index revealed Senator Perdue to be President Trump’s most loyal senator, refusing to break with Trump on even his biggest crises and most controversial moments
ATLANTA — President Trump is returning to Georgia, despite having recently tested positive for COVID-19, in an attempt to help revive his and Senator Perdue’s flailing campaigns. Both candidates are down in the polls and Perdue is mistaken if he thinks Georgians want someone so closely tied to Trump. Perdue faces an uphill climb after his devastating loss in this week’s first debate and new polling showing that most Georgians have an unfavorable view of Perdue.
Even as Georgians reject his divisive policies, Senator Perdue has desperately aligned himself with Trump, having been recently revealed as Trump’s most loyal Senator, voting in line with President Trump’s agenda 95% of the time, even at the expense of his own constituents.
Perdue recently doubled down on his ridiculous claim that Trump has done everything in his power to protect Georgians during this pandemic saying that Trump “has not gotten enough credit for his actions to stem the pandemic.” This, even as the U.S. has the worst COVID-19 death rate of any developed nation and thousands of Georgians have lost their lives, jobs, and health care due to President Trump’s botched handling of the virus.
“Georgians are rejecting Senator Perdue and Donald Trump because of their disastrous handling of this pandemic and terrible record on critical issues like their health,” said Braxton Brewington, spokesman for the Democratic Party of Georgia. “Georgians are voting in record numbers and it clearly has them both facing the dark truth about their reelection chances heading into Election Day.”