Help Move Georgia Forward
SHOT: Yesterday, on a private, virtual call with Georgia businesses, Senator David Perdue remarked that the greatest threat to national security was “our own national debt.”
CHASER: Senator Perdue voted for the 2017 tax scam that the Congressional Budget Office said would increase the national debt by nearly $2 trillion. And earlier that year, the self-proclaimed “debt hawk” was one of just seven senators who voted to increase the national debt by $2.5 trillion.
LIME: While he voted to add nearly $2 trillion to the national debt in order to give corporations massive tax breaks, Senator Perdue thinks we need to cut vital retirement programs, saying spending on “Social Security and Medicare” is “the problem” and blaming them for “causing this debt.”
“The GOP tax scam, which Senator Perdue enthusiastically supported, adds nearly $2 trillion to our national debt, but Perdue wants to target Social Security and Medicare to fix what he calls our greatest threat to national security. Perdue will do anything to please his donors who benefited the most from this tax bill” said Braxton Brewington, spokesman for the Democratic Party of Georgia. “Unfortunately, saying one thing and doing another has become a habit for Senator Perdue, and that’s why Georgia voters will send him packing come November.”