Help Move Georgia Forward
Release: Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Democratic Party of Georgia Chair Releases Statement on Anniversary of Shelby v. Holder Decision
Atlanta, GA – Democratic Party of Georgia Chair DuBose Porter released the following statement in recognition of the one year anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Shelby v. Holder. The decision struck down a central portion of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
“Discrimination at the ballot box is very real and Congress must act immediately to fully restore the Voting Rights Act.
“By design, Election Day is a chance to be reminded that all men and women are created equal—it does not matter if you are rich or poor, black or white or brown, gay or straight, Ivy League-educated or an eighth grade dropout.
“The face of our state is rapidly changing and Republicans can see the writing on the wall. That’s why the GOP has sought to disenfranchise the elderly and people of color any given opportunity. And as they begin to lose more and more elections, they will continue to change the rules of the game.
“Voting is the building block of representative government—which has made America great for generations. And the concerted efforts by Republicans over the last several years to restrict access to the ballot is targeted at likely Democratic voters—seniors, those in rural areas, and people of color. And regardless of what Nathan Deal or Republican officials say, Georgia has a long history of disenfranchising these specific voting blocs.
“A vote for Democrats is a vote for better schools. A vote for Democrats is a vote for clean air and water. A vote for Democrats is a vote for expanded access to quality health care for all. These are the issues that Democrats stand for, voters know this, and the Republican Party cannot stand it. The best way for them to censor Democratic values is to prevent those who uphold those values from voting in the first place.
“The Democratic Party of Georgia will continue to work with our leaders and elected officials at the state and national level to enhance the franchise for access to the polls.”