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Will Perdue stand up to defend the honor of our heroes in uniform?
ATLANTA — Senator David Perdue has failed to condemn President Trump’s disparaging remarks that Americans who lost their lives in war were “losers” and “suckers” while refusing to visit a WWI cemetery to pay tribute to the fallen, even amid an uproar from servicemembers and veterans.
Perdue’s silence on Trump’s reported disparagement of servicemembers comes after the senator refused to condemn Trump’s failure to stand up to Vladimir Putin after reports surfaced that Russia offered bounties on the heads of U.S. troops. Perdue has his own history of dismissing the concerns of our servicemembers — earlier this year he came under fire for skipping a critical oversight hearing focused on poor military housing conditions at bases like Fort Benning to attend a high-dollar donor meeting.
“While the President patently disrespects servicemembers and their families who have sacrificed so much for Georgia and the nation, Senator Perdue hasn’t uttered a word,” said Braxton Brewington, spokesman for the Democratic Party of Georgia. “Georgia voters and the military families in the state have had enough of Senator Perdue’s refusal to stand up to President Trump and put our troops and veterans first.”