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Brian Kemp’s near total ban on abortion, before most women know they’re pregnant, set to go into effect
With Roe v. Wade overturned, Brian Kemp stands ready to double down on his long record of attacking women’s reproductive rights and enact even stricter bans in Georgia that could make all abortion illegal and even put women and doctors in jail.
Kemp has been ruthless in rolling back reproductive rights as governor. He bragged on the campaign trail about signing “the toughest abortion bill in the country” in 2019, which makes it a crime to seek an abortion after six weeks of pregnancy, before many women even know they’re pregnant. He’s also been a vocal supporter of the Texas abortion ban, which outlawed abortion and punished doctors who performed abortions with jail time.
Kemp’s extreme record on abortion suggests he’s prepared to push through an even more extreme ban in Georgia and he’s refused to rule out his fellow GOP candidates’ calls for a total ban on abortion, even in cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother’s life.
Read more about Kemp’s record of attacking reproductive rights:
Kemp signed a six-week abortion ban in Georgia:
Kemp has been vocal in his support for ending abortion rights entirely:
Kemp has indicated he may enact even stricter laws that make all abortion illegal and charge women and doctors with crimes: