Help Move Georgia Forward
Release: Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Atlanta, GA – Democratic Party of Georgia Chair DuBose Porter released the following statements on the results of Tuesday’s primary election.
“First, I want to congratulate Michelle Nunn on becoming the Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate. Georgia Democrats have selected a remarkable woman who represents our state’s desire to abandon the pettiness of Washington politics and find real solutions for the problems we face. The Georgia GOP has selected an out-of-touch executive and a Washington insider to represent their interests in this race. While David Perdue and Jack Kingston race to the right in the runoff, Michelle Nunn’s vision of a Georgia that works for everyone will continue to resonate with voters across the state.
“Statewide, Democrats have a ballot emblematic of the diversity that makes Georgia so exceptional. I commend Sen. Jason Carter, Connie Stokes, Greg Hecht, Robbin Shipp, Chris Irvin, Doreen Carter, Liz Johnson and Daniel Blackman for their dedication to bringing real change to Georgia. These public servants see that our state has been spiraling downward under Republican control and know that Georgia’s middle class families and small businesses are counting on them to correct the course.
“While the primary race for State School Superintendent will be decided in a July runoff, Georgia Democrats remain committed to one of our strongest values—a deep conviction to investing in public schools and job training.
“The fight for Georgia starts right now. We know that Georgia’s businesses will flourish with a healthy, skilled workforce and voters are tired of the Georgia GOP’s proven record of failure. Voters are ready for a government that operates in an honest and transparent manner. They’re ready for a government that invests in its children and works to expand opportunity for anyone that’s willing to work hard and play by the rules.
“With a diverse slate of candidates who will stand up for the middle class, help businesses grow, and put Georgians’ interests ahead of their own, Georgia Democrats are heading to the general election stronger than ever before. And we’re ready to deliver.”