Help Move Georgia Forward
We are thrilled to welcome our new Executive Director, Scott Hogan to the DPG family! Scott comes to the Democratic Party of Georgia from South Carolina, where he just managed their 2018 gubernatorial campaign and led Democrats to their strongest showing in 20 years. He is a veteran of both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaigns, and has organized in over a dozen states across the country.
Read on to hear more from Scott and how he’s ready to help turn Georgia blue.
Why Georgia?
More than any state in the country, Georgia is primed to turn blue this election cycle. Specifically coming off of 2018, Stacey Abrams’ gubernatorial race showed us that Georgia has real momentum. Working at the DPG for 2020 is a prime opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives, and I’m excited to be able to join this effort.
How would you describe your approach to this work?
I started my career as an organizer, and as an organizer I believe that the only way you can truly create change is if you show up early and often. Over the next year, that’s why you will see me visiting communities across Georgia, as it is important for me to meet people where they are and to listen to their concerns, in our overall effort of building the most diverse coalition in Georgia history. It is essential that we connect with people in a way that is authentic and genuine, rather than show up on election day and expect votes that we haven’t earned.
To win it will take a large unified effort among partners, statewide. The Democratic Party is also the big-tent party, a diverse group of partners focused on moving our country forward, not backward. Those partnerships will be key in allowing our efforts to reach every voter, in every part of Georgia.
What do you see as the biggest challenge facing Georgia Democrats?
The first thing I’m looking to accomplish is to set up a structure that will outlast me or any staffer currently here at the DPG. Candidates and issues come and go, but structure is lasting. Whoever is leading our party in 10 years should be able to build off of past successes, rather than having to start over with every new election cycle.
A huge part of our success in the short term will be fielding candidates up and down the ticket. It is important to give citizens an alternative viewpoint and not just concede a geographic area because of its past political leanings. I believe we, as the Democraic Party, have the more inclusive message that reaches across political ideologies, and it is on us to show up to push that message. That’s how we build momentum across Georgia and ultimately how we will win.
What first got you into politics?
Like so many, I was drawn into the political sphere by President Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential run. His belief in the power of citizenship and the change that is possible when citizens engage in the public square still motivates me today. Shortly after volunteering for his 2008 campaign, I very purposefully went back for my Graduate Degree in Public Policy from Indiana University, to pursue a life of public service, one that has led me to over a dozen states working on numerous issues and campaigns, and ultimately to my current role of Executive Director of the DPG. As someone who did not grow up in a political family, I am thankful everyday for the experiences and relationships that have led me to my current role. The idea that I get to attempt to create positive societal change for a profession and help people in their daily lives still makes me smile.
Why do you do this work?
I believe in public service. In the political sphere, you can truly have a significant impact on people’s lives if you do good, meaningful, and honest work, and it’s where I’ve found my foothold, and not surprisingly my joy. I love the pace and excitement of the work, but mostly I love the idea that we can change things for the better if we put the effort in.
What are you most looking forward to about working with Georgia Democrats?
I’m excited to meet people in every part of the state and learn what they need and want from the Party, and what they think is possible. My role here is to help create a structure where we can make change, but my favorite part of every job I’ve ever had is the people, the variance, the diversity of the people you meet and how they view the world.
Anything else that Georgia Democrats should know about you?
I’m looking forward to meeting them!
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