Presidential Inauguration on January 21, 2013

November 8, 2012

Hi Everyone,

Congratulations to all of you who worked so hard to re-elect President Obama.  We owe all of you a great debt of gratitude.

Now that the President has been re-elected, there have been several requests about obtaining tickets to the Presidential Inauguration on January 21, 2013.

The State Party will be involved in the planning of the Inauguration to a limited degree. It is very unlikely that we will have tickets to distribute and we will not know for sure for at least three or four more weeks. We have attached a link to the official Inauguration website that can answer many of your questions.

We will have a significant presence in Washington on the day of the Inauguration so that we can complete the journey we all started several months ago.

More information will be provided as soon as possible.

Thanks for all you did, and all that you continue to do!

Mike Berlon

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