Perdue, Senate Republicans Adjourn Senate Until After Election Without Delivering COVID Relief

October 27, 2020

Perdue referred to emergency unemployment insurance relief as a “hindrance” and an “incentive to keep people out of work”

ATLANTA — After Senator David Perdue urged the Senate to move with “due haste” to confirm Trump’s anti-health care Supreme Court nominee who is likely to support overturning the Affordable Care Act, Perdue and Republicans went home without delivering needed pandemic assistance for hundreds of thousands of Georgia families and small businesses in need of economic relief.

Perdue and Senate Republicans have repeatedly refused to pass COVID economic relief and instead pushed stunt bills designed to give vulnerable Republicans talking points in attempts to save their losing campaign bids. Last week, Perdue refused to speak out against Mitch McConnell after reporting revealed that McConnell warned that reaching a COVID-19 stimulus deal before the election could disrupt their rushed plans to confirm Judge Barrett to the Supreme Court in time for oral arguments in the GOP lawsuit to overturn the health care law that protects 1.8 million Georgians with pre-existing conditions. 

Earlier this year, Senator Perdue railed against much-needed economic relief and has refused to take responsibility for Republicans’ failed negotiations, even peddling a debunked claim that emergency unemployment insurance relief was an “incentive to keep people out of work.”

“Senator Perdue won’t speak out against McConnell blatantly ignoring millions of Americans in need of economic relief because he simply does not care about families and small businesses struggling during a pandemic,” said Braxton Brewington, spokesman for the Democratic Party of Georgia. “Ripping away critical health care protections for Georgians with pre-existing conditions is clearly Perdue’s top priority.”


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