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Under Gov. Brian Kemp’s ban on abortion, doctors are hesitant to treat miscarriages, worrying they could face criminal penalties. Physicians may turn women away who seek treatment for a miscarriage, because treatement for a miscarriage is the same procedure used for abortions.
Legal experts are calling Kemp’s extreme abortion ban, which makes abortion illegal before most women know they’re pregnant, “chaotic” and “unstable,” due to its broad and far reaching implications that seem to go beyond the criminal abortion statute and leave many open questions unanswered. The unknowns are causing fear and confusion amongst health care professionals, hurting women seeking lifesaving reproductive care.
Last week, a Georgia OB/GYN and reproductive care advocate, along with legal experts, raised crucial questions about Kemp’s dangerous law— questions the governor and top Georgia Republicans have refused to answer.
CBS 46: Atlanta doctors reluctant to treat miscarriages fearing criminal penalty