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In case you missed it, a Friday report from The New York Times noted how Brian Kemp continues to avoid answering questions on the future of abortion rights in Georgia. After his Trump-endorsed primary opponent, David Perdue, called on Kemp to hold a special session of the Georgia legislature to enact a total abortion ban, Kemp has remained silent and refuses to answer questions or rule out dangerous actions to criminalize abortion if the U.S. Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade.
As The New York Times notes: “Mr. Kemp’s office did not directly answer questions about his position on an abortion ban or plans to call a special session. His campaign did not answer the questions and referred to Mr. Kemp’s earlier comments.”
Kemp hasn’t ruled out his fellow Georgia GOP candidates’ calls for an abortion ban without exceptions — or pushes from GOP candidates and elected officials across the country to further criminalize family planning and reproductive health care by banning birth control, imposing cruel restrictions to punish women with jail time for seeking abortions, and threatening to arrest doctors who perform them.
In 2019, Kemp bragged about signing “the toughest abortion bill in the country,” which banned abortion before most people even know they are pregnant, and his support for the Texas abortion ban suggests he could push through an even more damgerous ban in Georgia if Roe v. Wade is overturned.
The New York Times: In the Georgia governor’s race, Perdue tries to push Kemp on abortion
February 17, 2025
February 14, 2025
February 14, 2025