Kelly’s Questions: Loeffler Still Not Answering Basic Questions About Her “100%” Support of the GOP’s Dangerous Agenda

January 17, 2020

Loeffler silent about the harmful impacts of the Senate GOP’s reckless and unpopular agenda on Georgia families

ATLANTA — It’s been a rough week two for “political mega-donor” Kelly Loeffler as she continues to march in lock-step with Washington Republicans — even while her own party’s president still won’t congratulate her on her Senate appointment.

But even with her second week in the books, Loeffler still won’t answer key questions about the GOP’s toxic and reckless agenda she supports “100%.” At the end of this week, here’s a reminder of the 5 questions Loeffler still needs to answer about the dangerous agenda she’s backing:

  1. Why does Loeffler support Senate Republicans’ efforts to gut coverage protections for over 1.8 million Georgians with pre-existing conditions and does she agree with Senator David Perdue that “of course” she’ll stand by Republican’s reckless anti-health care lawsuit that would undo federal health care protections and take away coverage for 21 million Americans?
  2. Will Loeffler continue to stand behind Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell as he blocks bipartisan legislation that would bring down skyrocketing drug costs for Georgia families, even as new reports show pharmaceutical companies are continuing to jack up prices for lifesaving drugs?
  3. Does Loeffler agree with Senator David Perdue that she would “absolutely not” support greater middle-class tax relief if it meant delaying corporate tax breaks, even though the GOP gave big corporations a deficit-busting $1 trillion tax handout?
  4. Will Loeffler stand with Perdue and try to put earned benefits programs like Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block, after her party voted to add nearly $2 trillion to the national debt in their tax giveaway to giant corporations and ultra-wealthy donors like herself?
  5. What will Loeffler do to prevent her “minefield” of potential conflicts of interest from affecting her own business interests, especially now that she serves on the Senate committee in charge of overseeing the regulator of her husband’s firm?

Loeffler may have thought that blindly pledging “100%” loyalty to a reckless agenda would fix her problems with a GOP base that still remains “skeptical,” but Georgia voters deserve to hear from her about the policies she’s backing and what they’ll mean for everyday Georgians. Senator, what are you waiting for?

“As week two passes, Georgia families still deserve answers from Kelly Loeffler about the toxic agenda she’s signed on to,” said Alex Floyd, spokesman for the Democratic Party of Georgia. “Georgians need an independent voice as their senator, but instead Kelly Loeffler seems deadset on being a rubber stamp for Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans’ dangerous plans. It’s past time for her to answer these basic questions about where she stands.”


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