Help Move Georgia Forward
Does Loeffler stand with McConnell’s “bankruptcy” option, or support federal relief for states like Georgia facing billions in budget cuts?
ATLANTA — Today, as unelected “political mega-donor” Senator Kelly Loeffler continues her statewide tour while Georgia is facing painful budget cuts to critical services, the Democratic Party of Georgia is calling on Loeffler to skip the (de)tour and answer a key question for Georgians:
With the state budget slashing nearly $1 billion from education and more than $2 billion overall, does Loeffler support federal aid for state and local governments, or will she continue standing with Mitch McConnell who pushed for states to have “an option” to just “use the bankruptcy route”?
Loeffler has promised to stand with Republican leadership “100%” — but Republican leaders like Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have been unwilling to stand with state and local governments struggling during the coronavirus outbreak. As a result, states like Georgia are facing devastating state budget cuts including nearly $1 billion cut from education and millions cut from the state Department of Public Health during a pandemic.
“Georgia needs help, but Senator Kelly Loeffler is more focused on helping her political future,” said Alex Floyd, spokesman for the Democratic Party of Georgia. “Senator Loeffler, it’s time to make it clear. Are you standing with Mitch McConnell, or state and local governments that need federal relief in this crisis?”