ICYMI: WATCH: Herschel Walker Says “There’s Not A National Ban On Abortion Right Now And I Think That’s A Problem”

July 25, 2022

On Friday, 11 Alive aired new footage of Herschel Walker telling reporters “there’s not a national ban on abortion right now and I think that’s a problem.” Walker, who has previously been clear that he wants to make abortion illegal, including in cases of rape, incest, or even to save the life of the mother — saying, there’s “no exception in [his] mind” — confirmed that he would support a national abortion ban on the same day the 11th Circuit federal appeals court ruled that Georgia’s restrictive abortion law should be allowed to take effect.


11 Alive Anchor: This week’s court decision legalizing the heartbeat bill brings into focus the contrasting positions of the two major candidates running for U.S. Senate.

Doug Richards: When we caught up with Walker Wednesday morning at a livestock barn in Athens, it was just a few hours before a federal court allowed Georgia to enact its controversial heartbeat bill, which bans abortions after only six weeks gestation. Walker was asked about the U.S. Senate potentially voting on a national ban on abortion. And he answered by saying the absence of such a ban is “a problem.” 

Herschel Walker: There’s not a national ban on abortion right now, and I think that’s a problem. We keep talking about things like that right now. I’m for life, and I’m not gonna make an excuse for it.

Read more on Herschel Walker supporting a nationwide abortion ban with no exceptions — not even in cases of rape, incest, or to save the mother’s life.


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