Help Move Georgia Forward
This morning, in an interview with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Tom Perez shared why national Democrats see Georgia as a battleground state, and are making strong, early investments to turn Georgia blue.
Perez pointed out the tremendous potential of Georgia as a battleground state:
“We have two Senate pickup opportunities there, we’ve got great candidates. We have so much progress that has been made there. You look at Lucy McBath, you look at the near victory in the 7th Congressional District and frankly, but for voter suppression, Stacey Abrams would be Governor Abrams. We know we can win Georgia, but we also know we have to continue to invest.”
This new investment by the DNC will help support the Democratic Party of Georgia (DPG)’s organizing work across the state to talk to voters long before Election Day and secure support for eventual Democratic nominees. Perez said:
“In the past – and this is a shame on us moment – we were sprinters, we weren’t marathon runners. We’d go in for the two-month sprint. That’s mobilizing. We need to organize – that’s the difference. Organizing is the marathon, mobilizing is the sprint. We’re in it for the long haul in Georgia and elsewhere, and I think those investments […] are going to pay dividends this November.”
The Battleground Build Up 2020 program is the latest investment by national groups to help turn Georgia blue. In 2019, Georgia Democrats partnered with national, state, and local leaders, including the DNC, to help recruit strong Democratic candidates, hire and train future field organizers across the state, and grow the DPG’s voter protection program to help protect every Georgia voter.
Read the full interview here.