Help Move Georgia Forward
Today, Wednesday, December 16, the Democratic Party of Georgia held a virtual press conference with State Representatives Erick Allen and Shelly Hutchinson and Georgia voters Stephanie López and Dr. Vivian Greentree. Speakers encouraged Georgians to get their family members to the polls and vote early for Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock, who will fight for Georgia families.
The press conference can be watched here. Quotes and photos from the press conference can be found below:
“This has been an election year like no other. Georgia voters showed up and turned Georgia blue in November, and Georgia voters are ready to turn out early again for the Senate runoffs because there is too much at stake to sit this election out,” said State Representative Erick Allen. “There is especially a lot at stake for Georgia families. This election is critical to our country’s future, and also to our families’ future – our kids’ future.”
“This December, when we are separated from our families, when we are worried about getting our abuela or our tio sick, we need to remember that failed Republican leadership got us in this position,” said Stephanie López of Hall County. “Right now, today, we have the chance to go out and cast our vote for men of faith, men of values, and men who are ready to go fight for our families. You can go vote for people who will fight for the Latinx community, who will fight for better health care and better paying jobs, and who will fight so that our community is taken care of.”
“We deserve leaders who will work with our next Commander in Chief, not only to protect our service members when they’re deployed abroad, but to bring the resources, community capacity and support that military families need to thrive,” said Dr. Vivan Greentree, a Fulton County veteran and member of a military family. “Early voting has already begun, and the time to make a plan to vote for your family is now. In the Navy, we call it your SOP. So get your standard operation procedure ready — get your SOP in place — and go visit to find an early voting location near you and call the voter protection hotline at 888-730-5816 if you have any issues.”
“Democrats turned Georgia blue by engaging a diverse coalition of voters to make their voices heard. A huge part of that coalition was women, particularly women of color. Not only are women the backbone of our families – we’re the backbone of our democracy,” said State Representative Shelly Hutchinson. “Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock know that every issue is a women’s issue, and every issue is a families issue. On January 5, Georgia has the chance to take back the Senate for working families across this country and send leaders to Washington who put people first.”
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