Help Move Georgia Forward
Porter: “We’re Not the Next Battleground State, We Are the Battleground State”
ATLANTA – This week, Democratic Party of Georgia Chairman DuBose Porter joined WABE’s “Closer Look with Rose Scott” to reflect on his time as chair, and share his vision for the party’s future.
Chairman Porter, whose home is Dublin, GA, talked about the need for Democratic policies to help rural Georgia:
South Georgia is losing population. Our small town – my community- is losing population, and the counties around it, because the opportunity’s not there. So young people are leaving. A whole generation of leadership that ought to be coming back and leading their communities aren’t there because of the policies of the state. Bring healthcare back, bring better education back, bring opportunity back, and we’ll have growth more evenly throughout the state — and that will only happen with Democrats in charge.
On his greatest pride in his time as chair:
We’re no longer afraid to talk about who we are and why we are who we are… We made it possible to step out on the issues that people know are better.
His vision for Georgia and the Party’s future:
The Promised Land is where there’s a place where healthcare is more available to more people, because they need it and they earn it. The Promised Land is a place where you actually value public education, in every community of the state. Where you really value clean air and water, and know that that’s better for families. Where transportation can be solved, and be able to get around communities better. And when you bring opportunity and a better quality of life for your people. That’s it, and that will only be done with Democratic leadership.
And his wisdom for Democrats around the state:
It’s all about people. Politics is about people, and when you forget that, you’ve forgotten your guiding light.
Listen to the full interview at