Help Move Georgia Forward
Loeffler and Perdue fail to deliver on critical aid while backing stunt relief bill that lacks significant priorities for Georgia families
ATLANTA — Once again, Senate Republicans are wrapping up another week leaving Georgians without critical coronavirus relief after their too little, too late partisan stunt bill failed earlier this month.
A reminder of what Republicans’ “skinny” relief plan did NOT provide for Georgia families:
Instead of fighting for real relief, Senator Kelly Loeffler, like her opponent Congressman Doug Collins, has insisted she’s “not seeing a big need” to restore expired federal emergency unemployment relief and has ignored desperate calls from Georgia Republican leaders for aid for Georgia’s state and local governments.
Likewise, Senator David Perdue has called expanded unemployment aid “a hindrance” and “personally opposed” critical direct economic relief for Georgians. Yet while he’s opposed providing relief for Georgia working families, he’s had no problem with banks taking “more than $10 billion in fees” off the small business relief fund which he’s called “the cost of doing business.”
“Rather than providing real relief for struggling Georgia families, Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue have done nothing but back a political stunt bill after taking a summer vacation last month,” said Alex Floyd, spokesman for the Democratic Party of Georgia. “Georgians deserve more than partisan stunts. It’s past time for Loeffler and Perdue to quit playing political games with critical coronavirus relief.”
February 14, 2025
February 14, 2025
February 14, 2025