Help Move Georgia Forward
Today, following news that former GA-14 Democratic nominee Kevin Van Ausdal has established residency in another state, thus becoming unqualified to represent Georgians in Congress, and learning that he has provided the Secretary of State with proof of his disqualification, Democratic Party of Georgia Executive Director Scott Hogan released the following statement:
“With Mr. Van Ausdal officially unqualified to hold this office, we are asking the Secretary of State to immediately disqualify him from the race and allow the DPG to name a replacement. The 700,000 Georgians who live in the 14th Congressional District deserve a choice in November, and the only thing that would stop them is if the Secretary of State refuses to disqualify an unqualified candidate.
The Democratic Party of Georgia stands ready to perform our responsibility under Georgia law and name a replacement candidate within one business day, as soon as the Secretary of State has acted. We remain committed to helping all Georgians exercise their right to vote this November.”