Help Move Georgia Forward
Reform represents “great day for all Americans”
Georgia – The Democratic Party of Georgia applauds today’s landmark ruling that upholds President Obama’s Affordable Care Act.
The Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, prevents insurance companies from denying coverage to children and adults based on pre-existing conditions and from dropping health coverage when a person gets sick. It also eliminates annual caps on health coverage for devastating illnesses and allows young adults to stay on their parents’ insurance until the age of 26.
The opinion, written by Chief Justice John Roberts- appointed by President George W. Bush- upholds every significant portion of the law.
“This is a great day for all Americans,” said Georgia Democratic Chairman Mike Berlon. “The Supreme Court rejected partisan politics and put the welfare of the people first. This decision will allow all Americans to be secure in the knowledge that if they get sick, they will have high quality and affordable health care to help them get well. It also means that children and adults will no longer be denied health care due to pre-existing conditions and young adults will be coved under their parents’ health insurance up to age 26.”
Nearly 30 states, including Georgia, sued the federal government over this legislation. With the Supreme Court deciding in the Obama administration’s favor, it signifies a strong rebuke to Governor Nathan Deal’s persistent attempts to undermine health care reform.
“More than 2 million Georgians will now have access to health insurance and preventative care. We have struggled with these issues for decades and the Supreme Court got it absolutely right,” said Berlon.
February 14, 2025
February 14, 2025
February 14, 2025