Georgia “A Mess” Under Complete GOP control

June 28, 2011

Georgia – From tax dodges to undelivered subpoenas, the state of Georgia is in a mess unlike any the state has seen, contend loyal Democrats across the state.

The report of GOP House Speaker David Ralston’s house lien due to unpaid taxes is only the latest scandal in Georgia; his taxes have been late on this home for the past four years.

“It was reported earlier this month that subpoenas were about to be delivered to Governor Deal demanding his testimony under oath for ethical violations,” said Jeana Brown of Wayne County. “Instead, Republicans forced out the employee trying to deliver the subpoenas.”

Other under-reported scandals include:

Crops are rotting in the fields of south Georgia because no one is around to pick them,” said Dr. Lowell Greenbaum of Richmond County. “Georgia’s future is being cut short.”

“Republicans have made a mess,” said Eric Gray, Democratic Party of Georgia spokesperson. “Hall County might close nearly every public park on Lake Lanier, while State Rep. Bobby Franklin suggests that tornado-ravaged Georgians who request federal assistance are ‘worshipping a false god’

“It’s hard to watch our proud state being torn apart,” concluded Gray.

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, June 28 2011


Contact: Eric Gray

(678) 278-2108

Communications Director

[email protected]


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