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PolitiFact: “Sen. Perdue’s record on preexisting conditions doesn’t match his promises”
Atlanta – In a desperate attempt to revive his struggling campaign, Senator David Perdue went on air with yet ANOTHER ad falsely claiming to support protecting people with pre-existing conditions, which PolitiFact confirmed was “False” more than a month ago.
Perdue’s sharp fall in recent polling and underwater favorabilities with Georgia voters, along with his lackluster performance in this week’s first debate, have apparently left Perdue with no other option than to blatantly lie to millions of Georgians — again.
Perdue has been working overtime this election to “obscure [his] position on pre-existing conditions.” Just this month, Perdue complained about “millions of dollars on ads fabricating that I voted against health care coverage for those with pre-existing conditions,” yet days before, he did just that, voting to allow the Trump administration to continue pushing a Supreme Court lawsuit that, if successful, could strip protections away from 1.8 million Georgians with pre-existing conditions.
While a recent poll showed that a clear majority of Georgians support keeping the Affordable Care Act and its protections for people with pre-existing conditions intact, Senator Perdue pledged his “strongest support” for President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee and someone who, like Perdue, has been a longtime, vocal opponent of the Affordable Care Act. Legal scholars say her confirmation poses a threat to safeguarding coverage for people with pre-existing conditions.
“Senator Perdue is scraping the bottom of the barrel to save his losing campaign, but Georgians know his record of working to strip away protections for nearly two million Georgians with pre-existing conditions,” said Braxton Brewington, spokesman for the Democratic Party of Georgia. “Instead of standing up to his corporate backers and party leaders by actually fighting for Georgians’ health care, Perdue is just throwing lies at the wall and hoping they stick. They won’t.”