Help Move Georgia Forward
Release: Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Democratic Party of Georgia Statement on Governor Deal’s State of the State Address
Atlanta, GA – Today, Democratic Party of Georgia Chair DuBose Porter issued the following statement on Governor Nathan Deal’s State of the State address.
“Governor Deal’s take on the State of our State is misleading. His administration has turned down a myriad of opportunities to share in our nation’s prosperity—from Medicaid expansion to investments in transportation and infrastructure. The Republican leadership’s stonewalling of smart policy has crushed the backbone of Georgia’s economy—the middle class.
“If Deal truly wants what is best for our state, and ensure that the State of our State is strong, he’ll work with Democrats to address the serious problems that plague the wellbeing of Georgia families. Together, we can work to increase stagnant wages and close the pay gap between women and men. We can work together to provide affordable healthcare to hundreds of thousands of the uninsured. We can reach across party lines to build an economy that’s meant to last and leaves no one behind.
“Perhaps most importantly, we can fully fund public education, making a smart investment in our children—our future—and provide our educators with the tools and support they deserve.
“It is past time for Georgia to live up to its promise. We can do better, and we can shape a better future. But there must be a willingness from the Deal administration to work with Democrats and forge a better tomorrow from the center out.”