Help Move Georgia Forward
Release: Thursday, June 25, 2015
Democratic Party of Georgia Statement on Affordable Care Act Decision
Atlanta, GA – DPG Chair DuBose Porter issued the following statement today on the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold health care subsidies as constitutional.
“Today brought a great victory for President Obama and his administration. But it also brought a greater victory for Americans insured under the ACA. The reason why millions of families now have health insurance is because of the subsidies that have finally made access to health care affordable.
“Yet, to this day, Nathan Deal continues to play politics with the issue, denying health care to hundreds of thousands of Georgians who fall through the coverage gap. The same governor who says that we can’t afford to expand Medicaid turns a blind eye to a $74 million tax bill owed by a company he sold—a transaction that pockets Deal $10,000 a month.
“People are sick and can’t get the health care they need, our rural hospitals are closing and other hospitals are hemorrhaging, and the fault of this lies at the feet of Nathan Deal.”
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