Help Move Georgia Forward
Release: Tuesday, March 1, 2016
DPG Chair Statement on Georgia Primary Results
Atlanta, GA – Democratic Party of Georgia Chair DuBose Porter issued the following statement on the results of the Georgia Presidential Primary.
“First, I want to congratulate Secretary Clinton on her win in Georgia. Both she and Senator Sanders ran spirited campaigns and showcased the fact that our Party—the Democratic Party—has a substantive plan to build on the progress made over the last seven years under the Obama Administration.
“I’d imagine that Georgia Republicans—up and down the ballot—would rather have a wasp in their mouth than have Donald Trump at the top of the ticket. But he is a monster of their own creation. His victory is perfectly illustrative of just how extreme and out of touch the Republican Party has become. Whether or not he clinches the nomination, Trump and the stranglehold he has held on the GOP pose very serious problems for their Party in November.
“Georgia voters will have a clear choice in November, and we will join a majority of states in sending another Democrat to the White House.”