Help Move Georgia Forward
Release: Friday, February 20, 2015
Democratic Party of Georgia Chair Issues Statement on SB 129
Atlanta, GA – Today, Democratic Party of Georgia Chair DuBose Porter issued the following statement in response to the Senate Judiciary Committee tabling SB 129, one of two alleged religious freedom bills.
“The Constitution—a 200 year old document that has withstood the test of time—is clear and provides the strongest protections guaranteeing all Americans religious freedom.
“It’s interesting that all these ‘strict constructionists’ and ‘small government’ Republicans love to create unfounded controversy to put more legislation on the books. These legislators have 40 days where they can come together and do things that have a positive impact on the lives of Georgians. And most folks I talk to are more concerned with different moral tenets that are shared by the major religions—being good stewards of the planet, feeding the hungry, and providing health care for the sick.
“Hopefully, this move by the Senate Judiciary Committee is the death knell for legislation that is essentially a license to discriminate. Georgia Democrats are fine by adhering to the Great Commandment—love thy neighbor.”