Help Move Georgia Forward
Republicans frequently tout Georgia’s ranking as the best state for business, but they’re intent on making Georgia the worst state to be a worker and passing up opportunities to create jobs across the state. Today, the DPG has issued a report card grading the 2024 Legislative Session to highlight Georgia Republicans’ failing marks on jobs.
Republicans directly attacked workers, organized labor, and businesses with SB 362, which disqualifies any business that voluntarily recognizes a labor union in their workplace from receiving state economic incentives – a violation of federal labor law that puts Georgia taxpayers on the hook to pay all the legal fees the state will spend defending the law in court.
Republicans also said no to thousands of jobs across the state by refusing to expand Medicaid. Medicaid expansion is a jobs issue: The Georgia Budget & Policy Institute estimates that fully expanding Medicaid could create 56,000 jobs each year – including 12,000 jobs in rural communities – help keep rural hospitals open, and “increase the state’s economic output by $6.5 billion annually.”
Meanwhile, it’s Democrats who have been delivering jobs for Georgia, despite Republicans vehemently opposing them. Following the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act – supported by President Biden, Senator Ossoff, and Senator Warnock and opposed by Kemp and every Congressional Republican – Georgia “ranks first nationally in clean energy projects” and “first for most jobs promised by new clean energy projects” according to the Atlanta Business Journal. Since the IRA passed, “33 investments totaling over $14.6 billion have been announced in Georgia.” Governor Kemp said of the bill’s impacts, “it’s hurt more than it’s helped.” The Inflation Reduction Act has already created nearly 20,000 jobs across Georgia.
For passing anti-worker legislation in violation of federal labor law and continued opposition to job-creating powerhouses like full Medicaid expansion and the Inflation Reduction Act, Gov. Brian Kemp and his legislative enablers earned an F on jobs.