Help Move Georgia Forward
In response to the Department of Justice’s lawsuit challenging SB 202, Congresswoman Nikema Williams, Chair of the Democratic Party of Georgia, released the following statement:
“Brian Kemp and Georgia Republicans’ discriminatory anti-voting law violates Georgians’ civil rights, plain and simple. It makes it harder for all Georgians to vote, and disproportionately harder for people of color and low-income voters to cast a ballot. On behalf of all Georgia voters, we commend the Department of Justice for pursuing legal recourse to correct these injustices and fight back against egregious attempts to suppress voters in Georgia.
The department did not arrive at this decision lightly — asserting that SB202 violates Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, erects unjust barriers to the ballot box, and targets voters of color in the process. From restricting voters’ ability to access absentee ballots to banning the distribution of food and water on hours-long lines, several sections of SB 202 were designed with discriminatory intent and passed with reckless disregard for the rights of minority voters. Governor Kemp and Georgia Republicans knew this, but still hastily passed this bill into law, all with the support of Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.
Georgia Democrats will be watching this litigation closely, and remain committed to defending the right to vote. We will not rest until all Georgia voters can make their voices heard in our democracy.”