Help Move Georgia Forward
Today, the Democratic Party of Georgia kicked off its statewide “Democrats Deliver” tour with press conferences in Macon and Columbus to highlight how President Biden and Democrats have delivered for Georgia families, farmers, small businesses, and workers. Local elected officials, labor leaders, and voters joined the events to discuss the success of the American Rescue Plan in lowering health care costs and cutting taxes for middle class families, underscored the historic impact the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill will have on Georgia, and laid out the need to continue passing the Build Back Better agenda.
“Democrats Deliver” Tour Stop in Macon
“Georgians went to the ballot box in November and January because they wanted change. Well today, just 7 months later, Democrats are already delivering,” said State Representative Miriam Paris. “Thanks to President Biden and Democrats’ American Rescue Plan, Macon-Bibb County received $77 million to fight COVID and support our recovery and our economy is bouncing back. And because of the American Rescue Plan, four out of five Affordable Care Act enrollees now spend $10 or less per month for coverage. Just last month, the Biden economy created over 940,000 jobs across the country. And none of this would be possible without Georgia voters.”
“As we approach Labor Day, Democrats are continuing to fight for historic investments that will build our state back better by advancing President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal. It’s going to grow Georgia’s economy, create good-paying union jobs, enhance our global competitiveness, and make our economy more sustainable, resilient, and just — all without raising taxes one cent on Georgians earning under $400,000 a year,” said Peter Taylor, Political Director and Past President of the Central Georgia Federation of Trades & Labor Council. “Now, it’s time for Georgia Republicans to put aside partisan squabbling and join Democrats in passing this historic bill, and get this done for the millions of Georgians who will benefit.”
“Thanks to President Biden and the American Rescue Plan, help is here for American families just like mine. Democrats’ child tax cuts have been a great help to offset the costs of child care so I can continue to work,” said Courtney Driver, veteran and Houston County mom. “The Child Tax Credit is empowering parents to support their children, putting food on so many tables across America, and helping families get back on their feet after a rough eighteen months. It’s shameful that Republicans refused to put partisanship aside to support low income and middle class families, even during a one in a generation pandemic.”
“Democrats Deliver” Tour Stop in Columbus
“Democrats’ economic agenda is building Georgia back from the bottom up and the middle out,” said State Rep. Calvin Smyre. “2.2 million Georgia families with children are benefiting from the middle class tax cuts in the American Rescue Plan. These tax cuts are literally life changing for working families in Georgia. Child hunger has already dropped 24 percent nationwide since the distribution of the first child tax cut in July. And in Georgia alone, our state’s overall child poverty rate will be reduced from 13.6 percent to 5.9 percent.”
“It’s clear: Democrats are doing the work and delivering for Georgia. And we’re working to improve the lives of Georgians for generations to come,” said Columbus City Councilmember Toyia Tucker. “Republicans have been talking about infrastructure for years, but President Biden and Georgia Democrats are actually delivering. Infrastructure is a bipartisan issue, and President Biden has brought both sides of the aisle to the table to make historic investments in Georgia jobs, transportation, and connectivity. These investments will add an average of nearly 2 million jobs per year over the course of the next decade. That is a generational boost to our economy.”
“The AFGE represents over 700,000 members nationally, and has a long history of electing leaders that care about the labor movement. We knocked on doors to help elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and after the November elections, we went right back to work to elect Senators Ossoff and Warnock in January,” said Val Almonord, legislative and political coordinator for AFGE Local 54. “Now we’re pleading with Republicans to help pass President Biden’s much-needed infrastructure bill. You don’t have to drive far to see how much Georgia needs improvements to our infrastructure here. Many bridges and roads are more than fifty years old and need to be repaired. The infrastructure bill will also create thousands of new jobs in Georgia – and we need them.”
“The COVID-19 pandemic impacted all of us, but for those of us who were fortunate enough to be in a strong labor union like the Air Line Pilots Association, we were able to mitigate some of these impacts. The American Rescue Plan helped with this, and it’s helping bring those benefits of union labor to everyone. And that’s why I was so disappointed to see that no Republicans voted for the American Rescue Plan,” said Chuck Enderlin, member of the Air Line Pilots Association Council 44. “President Biden has also brokered a bipartisan infrastructure deal that is going to bring lots of extra funding for roads and bridges and broadband in Columbus. We need funding to make sure we grow in a sustainable, responsible way that keeps Georgia a place that families like mine want to move to and raise their families.”