Help Move Georgia Forward
Today, the Democratic Party of Georgia announced that, after a full meeting of DPG’s Executive Committee on November 21st, the Party has submitted 3 candidates to appear on the 2024 Democratic Presidential Preference Primary ballot.
DPG submitted the following names to the Secretary of State to appear on the presidential primary ballot:
“The road to the presidency will run straight through Georgia once again next year. With primary season underway, Georgia Democrats are excited to continue our journey toward keeping the White House blue in 2024,” said Congresswoman Nikema Williams, Chair of the Democratic Party of Georgia.
In accordance with Georgia law and DPG’s Delegate Selection Plan, the party followed an open process, publicized the plan on the party’s website, and considered all candidates who submitted their written request to be included and met the requirements of the DNC Rules, DPG’s Delegate Selection Plan as approved by the DNC, the Call for the 2024 Democratic National Convention, and evaluation by the DPG Executive Committee.