The filing deadline to be a District-Level Delegate candidate has been EXTENDED to Thursday, April 30, at 8pm. To be a candidate for District-Level Delegate, you must complete the form at this link [] and email it to [email protected] by 8pm on Thursday, April 30. If you have already submitted a form to run as a District-Level Delegate, that form will be honored.

In August 2020, Georgia will join national Democrats in nominating the next President of the United States at the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The Democratic Party of Georgia’s Delegate Selection Plan determines how Georgia’s delegates are selected, to ensure that we have a strong and diverse delegation that truly represents Georgia. 

All voting for Georgia’s delegates will be conducted virtually, either online or by phone.

The general components of the plan are as follows:

  1. Georgia is allocated 129 delegates, nine of whom will be alternates.
  2. 68 District-Level delegates will be elected via online voting within the delegates’ congressional district on May 23, 2020. There are no District-Level alternates.
  3. 14 Party Leaders and Elected Officials (PLEOs) will be elected via online voting by the 68 district level delegates on June 20, 2020.
  4. Also on June 20, 2020, 23 At-Large Delegates and nine alternates will be elected by the State Committee of the Democratic Party of Georgia via online voting.

The DPG will hold trainings in every congressional district on our delegate selection process, to  ensure that all communities are represented in Georgia’s delegation. More information on those trainings is available here

Click below for more information about Georgia’s delegate selection plan, including how you can serve as a delegate.

Want to vote for Delegates who will represent your District at the Democratic National Convention? Registration to be a District-Level Elector is open now. To vote for District-Level Delegates in your District, complete THIS FORM:[] by 8pm on Friday, May 8. After Friday, your email address and phone number will be provided to qualified candidates for Delegate in your District so they can contact you for your vote. On Saturday, May 23, you will be emailed a Ballot to complete that day to make your choices for Delegates to represent you at the Democratic National Convention. If you have questions, please contact [email protected] . Elector Registration Form can be found HERE:

Additional Resources: 


Full Delegate Selection Plan: Includes Affirmative Action Plan, Outreach & Inclusion Program

Democratic Party of Georgia Bylaws 

Georgia Code

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Democratic Party of Georgia

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