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ATLANTA — A full week has now gone by since Senator David Perdue was forced into a January runoff, yet he has refused to talk to Georgia voters about how he plans to protect coverage for pre-existing conditions if his party succeeds in eliminating the Affordable Care Act. Clearly hiding from his abysmal performance last Tuesday, Perdue has refused to speak publicly, prompting reporters across the Peach State to ask if anyone is “getting live interviews with Perdue,” because they can’t get a response.
WSB-TV in Atlanta: “While we have requested interviews with the Perdue campaign over the past few days, so far Perdue has stayed silent.”
WRBL in Columbus: “We heard from one of Senator Perdue’s representatives and they said his schedule was full, but they will keep us posted when it clears up.”
WJCL in Savannah: “Ossoff has called on Perdue to join him for three live, televised debates before the runoff election, Perdue yet to respond to that.”
Fox 5 Atlanta: “Jon Ossoff…has challenged David Perdue, his opponent in the race, to three televised debates. No word as to whether Perdue will accept that. You might recall that Perdue had backed out of their final debate before the regular election.”
WSB-TV in Atlanta: “While we’ve asked the Perdue campaign for several interviews since Election Day, so far they’ve chosen not to speak publicly.”
In the days leading up to Election Day, Perdue ran away from reporters in a desperate attempt to avoid answering tough questions about his reelection bid. In the final week, Perdue abruptly pulled out of the last debate after Ossoff hammered Perdue for his downplaying of COVID and harmful anti-health care agenda.
Multiple reports this year have exposed Perdue’s absence noting that Georgians “have not heard a lot from Senator Perdue” probably “by design.”
Today, Democratic Senate nominee Jon Ossoff began a four-day statewide tour that will go through Atlanta, Macon, Columbus, Albany, Savannah, Augusta, and Athens.
“The nation’s attention is on the Peach State and Senator Perdue is refusing to engage with Georgians following his weak performance on Election Day,” said Braxton Brewington, spokesman for the Democratic Party of Georgia. “As Jon Ossoff is speaking to voters across the state, Perdue is caught up in self-destructive infighting with Republican officials and hoping Georgians don’t notice the reckless anti-health care agenda he’s pushing.”