Help Move Georgia Forward
Today, Congressman Hank Johnson cast his ballot on the first day of early voting in DeKalb County and spoke about the importance of Georgians making a plan to vote in the Senate runoff election. Also voting alongside Congressman Johnson were his 96-year-old mother Christine Callier, DeKalb County Commissioner Mereda Davis Johnson, and DeKalb County Commissioner Larry Johnson.
DeKalb County and Douglas County are the first two Georgia counties to begin early voting in the Senate runoff election, and the only counties offering early voting on Wednesday, November 23. Several counties in metro Atlanta and across the state will begin early voting sometime this weekend, and all Georgia counties will have early voting Monday, November 28 through Friday, December 2.
Every Georgia voter is encouraged to make a plan to vote early in the crucial Senate runoff election by going to to find their county’s early voting days and locations, or by texting or calling the voter protection hotline at 888-730-5816.
“We’re encouraging everyone to vote early. Do not take what others have done for granted – get out and exercise your right to vote, and pay homage to the legacy of all of the warriors who fought for this right to vote for us,” said Congressman Hank Johnson (GA-04). “During this past Congress we did great work on behalf of the people of this nation, and Reverend Warnock is going to be able to continue that work once we re-elect him to a full six-year term.”
“Loan forgiveness, infrastructure – all those things happened because of Reverend Warnock in the Senate. These things are making a difference, our Senator is making a difference, and we need to continue to keep him in Washington,” said DeKalb County Commissioner Larry Johnson. “This is a 9-1-1 code red situation. We must vote, and we must do it early. There’s energy, there’s excitement, there’s enthusiasm – it shows that folks are prepared, that they understand the importance.”
“In the general election during early voting, my mother in law on her 96th birthday walked up to the polls and cast her vote. Today, the day before Thanksgiving, me and her would have been home preparing our turkey to cook, but the importance of this election surpassed the turkey. And she’s coming out again, and she’s going to walk up in her walker to cast her vote for Senator Warnock,” said DeKalb County Commissioner Mereda Davis Johnson.
“It feels wonderful to be in good health and able to vote. I have never missed an election since 1965 when the Voting Rights Act was passed. I always remember the march on the Edmund Pettus Bridge – that was such a bloody Sunday. I will never forget it. And I know that with [John Lewis] putting his life on the line, that all of us should never miss voting,” said Christine Callier, 96-year-old DeKalb voter. “And I am casting my vote for Senator Warnock. I know he is honest.”
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