Help Move Georgia Forward
Georgia – On the heels of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s fundraising visit to Georgia today, Chairman Mike Berlon called on Romney to reverse his misguided support for economic policies that attempt to balance our economic recovery solely on the backs of the middle class without asking the wealthiest and special interests to pitch in and pay their fair share – including his opposition to a payroll tax cut that will put more money in the pockets of Georgia’s middle-class families.
“Mitt Romney has been inconsistent on many issues, but one thing he has continued to support wholeheartedly is more tax cuts for millionaires, billionaires and large corporations at the expense of the middle class, students and seniors. Mr. Romney’s economic plans would be a disaster for Georgia’s working families. His opposition to the President’s American Jobs Act, which would cut taxes for 180,000 Georgia small businesses and give the typical Georgia household a tax cut of $1,330 – economic relief that Romney callously referred to as “temporary little band-aids” – is appalling
“The President’s jobs plan would put folks back to work in Georgia by supporting roughly 13,600 jobs rebuilding the state’s infrastructure and 11,800 jobs modernizing Georgia’s classrooms, in addition to saving the jobs of up to 12,800 educators across the state.
“Mitt Romney’s policies are wrong for Georgia and wrong for America. Moreover, his inability to support one consistent position for longer than a day – except, of course, his longstanding advocacy for policies that give more handouts to millionaires, billionaires, special interests and large corporations – is not the type of leadership Americans want or need. So, while Mr. Romney is here today collecting large checks from his core constituency, the ultra-wealthy, I encourage Georgia voters to remember where Mitt Romney’s priorities truly lie – with his rich donors.”