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“A lot of people were hurt, and a lot of people died when they didn’t need to”
With Brian Kemp officially launching his re-election bid this weekend, the numerous ways he failed Georgians during COVID-19 are poised to haunt his campaign. A public health expert summed up Kemp’s management of the public health crisis best, saying: “A lot of people were hurt, and a lot of people died when they didn’t need to.”
“As Kemp prepares to launch his re-election campaign, he will no doubt try to rewrite his well-recorded history of failed leadership during COVID-19 pandemic, from botching the vaccine rollout to ignoring dire warnings from public health officials,” said Rebecca Galanti, spokesperson for the Democratic Party of Georgia. “Brian Kemp left Georgia families behind at every turn of this pandemic, and his failed leadership delayed our recovery and cost too many Georgians their lives and livelihoods. Come November 2022, Georgians will remember how time and time again, Brian Kemp put politics ahead of their health and safety.”
A reminder of how Brian Kemp failed Georgians during the pandemic:
Kemp was “slow to act on early warnings about the pandemic’s severity”
Kemp’s “ranked economic concerns ahead of public health imperatives” in re-opening
Kemp “rejected advice from…health officials as the pandemic’s second wave gathered”
Kemp botched vaccine distribution and oversaw “slow COVID vaccine rollout”
Kemp declared early victory against COVID-19 and took credit for Democrats’ leadership
Kemp cut remaining lifelines to struggling Georgia workers