Help Move Georgia Forward
GOP Senate candidate’s lies, scandals, and bizarre statements have been put on full display
It’s been more than 100 days of Walker refusing to commit to debates despite previous comments that he would debate Reverend Warnock “any day of the week.” Walker has dodged debates for months, and then went out of his way to say he would only participate in a different debate where the topics would be shared ahead of time.
Now that Reverend Warnock has said he will agree to participate in Walker’s preferred debate in Savannah hosted by Nexstar — provided a) no topics are provided to candidates prior to the debate and b) Walker agrees to at least one of the non-Savannah debates Reverend Warnock agreed to months ago in Macon and Atlanta — will Walker finally quit the games and show the people of Georgia if he’s really ready to represent them?
If Walker keeps chickening out…we know why:
BAD POLICIES — WORSE EXPLANATIONS: Time and time again, Walker has either failed to defend his policy positions or failed to assert a policy position at all.
February 11, 2025
February 11, 2025
February 10, 2025