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Atlanta – In an unusual move, Attorney General Sam Olens “respectfully declined” to issue a legal opinion requested by Senate Democrats regarding theCitizens United case due, in part, to it being “active legislation in the General Assembly”. However, only two weeks earlier, Olens openly opined on the Sunday Liquor Sales bill while the Georgia General Assembly vigorously debated the legislation.
This inconsistency has created mistrust amongst many of Georgia’s lawmakers.
On March 18, Olens declined to answer if “current slate law prohibiting regulated utilities from creating political action committees violate(d) the United States Constitution as interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court” in regards to the Citizens United case.
The Attorney General declined to answer, claiming that current legislation under the Gold Dome prohibited his advice.
Yet, two weeks earlier, Olens readily issued an opinion on the Sunday Sales bill while it was being discussed under the Gold Dome.
The inconsistency illustrates a “systematic silencing of the voices of over 3.1 million Georgians represented by Democrats in the the state senate,” says Senate Democratic Leader Robert Brown. “Democrats are being shut out of the process,” said Brown. “Our Attorney General has abdicated his duty to fairly seek justice in a thinly veiled effort to protect big money interests. Sunday liquor sales rate higher than protecting the interests of utility rate payers.”
“He is providing advice and consent in a partisan and unjust manner,” continued Brown. “It’s an unethical abuse of the process and taxpayers deserve better”.
“The Attorney General is the top law enforcement officer in our state,” concluded Brown. “This is another clear indication that Georgia citizens and taxpayers should not expect a fair process in the redistricting of legislative and congressional districts later this year.”