As Ossoff Surges in Polls, Handel Continues to Dodge Voters

May 23, 2017

As Ossoff Surges in Polls, Handel Continues to Dodge Voters

Handel’s embrace of Trump and Pence are dragging down her support


Atlanta, GA – A poll commissioned by 11Alive shows Jon Ossoff surging past Karen Handel in the special election runoff in Georgia’s Sixth Congressional District.



From 11AliveIn a new 11Alive exclusive poll conducted by Survey USA, Democrat Jon Ossoff leads the race 51 percent, compared to Karen Handel’s 44 percent. Six percent of voters remain undecided.

The 7 percent lead is beyond the +/- margin of error of 4.3 percent, but “close enough in a low-turnout, stand-alone runoff to be anyone’s call, though clearly Ossoff is in a better position than Handel,” Survey USA analysts concluded.


The poll brings more even more bad news for Karen Handel, who has aligned herself with Donald Trump. More than half of respondents have an unfavorable view of Trump, a plurality disapprove of Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey, and 60 percent believe a special investigator should be named to look into Russian interference in America’s elections. Handel will also campaign with Vice President Mike Pence on June 9th.


To date, Karen Handel has only agreed to appear at a single debaterecently declining a Dunwoody community debate after learning it would be open to the public.




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