Help Move Georgia Forward
Shortages of critical supplies threaten Georgians’ preparedness’ preparedness as state receives only a quarter of requested masks and third of ventilators
ATLANTA — As the coronavirus outbreak continues to threaten Georgians, new reporting reveals the Trump administration’s response to this public health crisis has left Georgia health care providers “scrambling” with the state only receiving “one-quarter of the requested N95 masks and just over a third of requested ventilators.”
As Georgia’s front-line health care workers put their lives on the line, why aren’t Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler pushing the White House for more resources for Georgia?
While Georgia health care providers are worried they “can’t keep the doors open” due to a shortage of supplies and other resources, Perdue and Loeffler instead remain focused on shoring up their political support amid their stock trading scandals. Rather than fight for needed equipment, Loeffler thanked President Trump and Perdue claimed the president was “providing critical resources” weeks ago, even as his administration has failed to fully deliver crucial supplies Georgia requested.
Now, after Governor* Brian Kemp waited weeks before taking critical steps against the coronavirus outbreak after learning basic information about the virus just days ago, Georgia providers are still struggling to procure needed supplies as the state is forced to “play catch up in coronavirus testing.”
“Georgia’s doctors and nurses are begging for more needed supplies from the federal government, but Senators Perdue and Loeffler would rather score political points with the White House than press for more resources for their state,” said Alex Floyd, spokesman for the Democratic Party of Georgia. “Georgia health care providers are counting on their senators to stand up for them, but so far Perdue and Loeffler have failed to hold the White House accountable for its botched coronavirus response that’s hanging Georgians out to dry.”